Hardly a day goes by that Ron Hamilton’s song, “Little By Little, Inch by Inch,” doesn’t come to mind. Little by little and inch by inch, we are seeing progress on our building restoration. 🙂
On Tuesday Cindy Brockmann spent most of her day in our nursery restoring all of her beautiful stenciling and painting to our nursery walls. She did a fabulous job of adding new to the old in a seamless way. We are grateful to the Lord that she shared her God-given talents with us once again! Thanks also to Joan for assisting Cindy throughout the process! There are pictures in the “Restoration” album.
Men have continued to work in the church kitchen. The cabinets and counter tops have all been installed, the “island” was built, the commercial dishwasher was hooked up, wiring for the island was completed, and some of the new appliances have been moved into place. Still no hot water heater yet, but we are getting closer.
It appears that we might be ready for ladies to plan to meetSaturday morning at 9:00 A.M. to clean all of the kitchen cabinets, wash all of our kitchen items, and put everything back together again. Sandra Wright is attempting to organize a crew of ladies for this task, so please contact Sandra if you would be able to help.
Elliott, a volunteer who has helped us with several carpentry projects, finished the hand railing for the organ and piano platforms. So nice to see all of that come together. We deeply appreciate all that he has done to help us!
Ed Smith has built new rolling stands for our AWANA cupboards so we will be able to have ease of use for all of our AWANA materials. We appreciate all of the work that Ed has put into all of the projects that he has taken on.
Thanks to Bill Hughes for continuing to see through the complete installation of the HVAC and all of the wiring that is involved with it. Just a few more details to finish all of that up.
Bob Kaltenberger continues to move our dirt around when he’s not helping out inside the building. It’s nice to see the piles of dirt slowly disappear. He has taken our old landscaping rock and used it to rebuild the “road” behind the church.
Karen DeGeal has been working for weeks on the new curtains for the auditorium. She is planning to put them up this week. Finishing touches! 🙂